Thursday, November 27, 2008

Its not just about dollars...

My latest US trip was much better than the first one, a couple of years ago. There are many reasons to support this- I was there in a better season this time (Unlike India, Summers are merrier than winter); I was there with elevated professional responsibilities (A Business Analyst as against a Support Engineer previously); I could drive a car this time, and most importantly, it was the enthusiastic crowd and loads of fun we had in the apartment.

It’s been more than 3 months now that I have returned back, but can’t help recalling the fun times. Living in India, I would often imagine, what makes people settle in the US? If I was to visit / settle there, what’s in it for me? Actually, there’s something in US for everyone, be it an Indian, a Pakistani, Chinese, Mexican, Canadian, European- a Hindu, Muslim- everyone can grab their share of joy from what America offers.

Away from India, what an Indian misses the most is Indian food. But for me, an occasional drop in at Spice Route (an Indian restaurant) and Kabab Palace (a Pakistani restaurant offering mouth watering Biryanis) was heavenly. Also this offered an opportunity to try various cuisines; every ethnic has a shop there.
Shopping was recreational, and there was a typical scene at every Checkout counter in every store. “Hi, How are you doing today”, “Howz been the day”- smiling faces asked with utmost politeness. One should be ready to accept, at the same time offer a compliment, or a simple “Hi” with a smiling face from strangers. Haughty and shrewd Americans of my imagination actually turned out to be the most polite race of human beings I had seen in my life. Some questions though remained unanswered for me-

  • How could one resist blowing (rather honking) a horn when s/he has been waiting in traffic for quite a while?

  • How could one not cut the lanes rashly while driving to occupy the huge wide roads?

  • How could traffic be so sensible, so civilized- do the drivers actually belong to the Human race?

  • Why do people stop for you to finish while you are clicking a picture?

The best part of Americans is that they respect every other person’s rights, and take utmost care that their actions do not cause trouble for others, even in the slightest way.

I would often visit Gregg (the Microsoft Manager I was working with) for meetings at Microsoft campus. Meetings, as typically would happen in an Indian office- a few long sleepy faces, some serious talk, etc. Here meetings would mean business, at the same time fun- loads of laughs would fill the meeting hall, not compromising on the productivity though.
Americans maintain a perfect balance between work and personal life, Weekends are meant to be enjoyed. For a draft Report sent on a sunny Saturday morning, an instant reply from my client popped up in my Inbox - “You should be enjoying the sun outside :)”.

A trip to US makes one realize, there are loads of things Indians can and SHOULD learn from Americans- these are apart from the ones for which pseudo- patriots of India keep maligning Americans. Whatever the political echelon across the globe says, whatever the Iraqis and Bin-Ladens say, America may at times be politically arrogant, but it definitely offers a Good Quality life to all her residents, be it Americans or non-Americans.

Returning back was a mixed bag of feelings in my heart, I was to miss a great way of life. While approaching Mumbai, my friend and co-traveler-Amit, while adjusting his watch to Indian Standards, said- “Yeh waqt is ghadi main fir ayega- hum layenge”; I felt these to be my own feelings, rephrased by Amit; because it’s not just about the dollars that I would like to be there again, but it’s because I’ve fallen in love with USA :).


  1. Fantabulous Blog Brother....
    I couldn't resist being nostalgic while I was going through each n every word.
    For others who are reading this...allow me to let you know I am Amit who Kaustubh referred to in his last stanza.
    We hardly knew each other before this life time journey began, but the four months we spent there were the most cherished moments which led to a very potent bond of friendship between us.
    Let it be the affinity towards Mani Ratnam's movies, delicious food, shopping, music we discovered to be so similar in our tastes.
    Everything we did from Friday night parties to Sunday Outings, Early morning tea to late night walks, movie discussions to cursing cybage HR etc etc was so special and equally fragile in its own sense and all this mauj masti was backed up and equally supported by our lovable pals (farooq, chetan, Bhole, sameer, tripathi ji....).
    And how can we forget the ever green "Byomkesh Bakshi" and "Flop Show" which was was our after noon life line.
    On an ending note, its bitter to accept that the days will not return but lets cherish those memories forever on a sweeter note.

    And finally for u Kaustubh.... AANKH DIKHATA HAI ........

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. After reading Kaustubh's blog on his wonderful and memorable trip to US. I would say hey Kaustubha I had a great time with yo all.
    Amit gambhir: I had a great f***ing time with you man.
    Wallet lene chalna hai kya office raat ke 3 bajey ? :))
    I would love to see you guys back in redmond and would like to have the same fun one more time.
