Saturday, September 19, 2009

Patriotism – What is it?

Patriotism is commonly defined as love for / devotion towards one’s country. Being specific makes me think- what exactly is a person supposed to love or be devoted to to be called a patriot? Is it the love for landscapes, rivers, natural beauty found in the country, which may very much be similar to what is found in other nations?
Or should a person love his country for the mere fact that s/he was born here (appreciate a coincidence?). Is it loving the fellow countrymen and supporting administrative / cultural decisions taken by the country governors?

I believe patriotism is a broad term which covers everything a person does (consciously or unconsciously) to preserve his / her nation’s integrity, and carries his / her share of responsibilities towards building a better society. Patriotism doesn’t require futile rhetoric or criticizing other nations, but should be more constructive and reflect through everyday activities.


Patriotism in India is a relative term, and the notion differs with differing social groups, politicial entities and social sectors. While a politician may display a surge in (mostly pseudo) patriotism during an election rally, youngsters tend to get patriotic with every other win in cricket.
We start speaking of patriotism only when there is something to instigate it, a win in a sport, a gold medal at the Olympics, an award at the Oscars, or release of a patriotic movie.

Indian Hypocrisy:

We Indians stand up for our National Anthem, but fail to respect our national heritages that are a witness to great national sacrifices. We feel proud of one of the fastest growing economies, but also contribute to the growing filth in the cities. We represent the oldest and the best civilisation, but fail to remain civilised in public.

India lives in history:

Come 15th August, and emails start pouring in our inboxes. Email from people who feel proud of a prosperous nation India was, a wealth of culture and heritage that our ancestors enjoyed, and off course of the scientific and mathematic contributions Indians made in the past. But how long are we going to live in a properous history when present facts speak loud and clear- More than 30% of Indian populace lives below poverty, India represents one of the worst literacy rates in the world, one of the most corrupt countries on earth.

Lets be proud of yesteryears, but instead of wasting time boasting it, lets work today to build a better tomorrow, so that generations to come shall feel proud of their present, as much as we feel for our past.

1 comment:

  1. This is nice! Write some more! Would love to know what one should do so that generations to come are benefitted by our "patriotism."
