Thursday, April 20, 2017

Azaan..or Anjaan?

Sonu Nigam is the latest celebrity to be caught in the eye of the storm. Voicing out his irritation over early morning azaan (which causes many to lose their sleep) has not percolated well with the religious extremists and their ever loyal (pseudo) rationalist supporters. Quite predictably, the entire twitterati and glitterati were quick to take their positions in this online tug of war, and main stream media pounced on their share of cake.

Intolerance rises in ever form, from verbal abuses and burning effigies to religious fatwas. Liberals get to what they do best, play the secular card and hype religious sentiments to garner attention and support. Garbage in and garbage out- all over.

Noise, means NOISE, and in every form it is polluting, irrespective of what generates it, isn’t it that simple? Be it the early morning azaan or late night loud music during Hindu festivals, the pompous marriage processions or loud birthday celebrations of regional / national figures, what entertains few and troubles most is noise. Shouldn’t the big picture of cutting pollution matter more than drumming personal or religious sentiments?

The freedom of expression probably immunizes all of them- free citizens of a free nation. We are free to take others for granted, free to pollute and litter under the cover of religious sentiments, free to dig holes on roads to install pandals for Ganpati without carefully repairing them later. We are also free to let the traffic suffer because we are getting married.

Well, being insensitive towards the rights, comforts and facilities of others has been in our DNA since ages, irrespective of our religion, caste, creed or social status. Also, this has only aggravated in recent years after all forms of political and communal immunity and irresponsible media hype has empowered us to be a vigilante in our own measures. Anything, however logical and rational gets opposed fiercely if it challenges the doctrine we subscribe to- stopping triple talaq or azaan, or firing crackers in Diwali. We are turning into an extreme society where parallel realities cease to exist, against progressive societies where different perceptions and rationalism is allowed to prosper.

Quite evidently, a lot of time, efforts and money is wasted over these futile discussions and playing the victim. Nothing productive or even remotely positive ever emerges out of it, except for the inflated TRPs for the News channels.

Measuring religious / communal extremism, secularism and for that matter, even nationalism on an individual scale is doing more harm than good. People listen only to reply, not to understand. Let’s hope wisdom emerges and prevails in coming time, just a hope though. 

Disclaimer: Recent events have influenced me to pen this where I might sound switching loyalties between opposing ideologies at different instances. I've only tried to let rationalism prevail throughout this article.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely written! I liked that you have voiced your opinions, and I do not feel you need the disclaimer at all.
