Friday, August 10, 2018

The multi faced Indian

He is around 30, hails from a city in western Maharashtra. He carries multiple identities, puts on a different face for different situations. His identities are vulnerable, each identity exposes a different facet that is easy to inflate, ignite and exploit.

His identities are very elastic, they can be easily broken, swollen or contracted at different times, different situations and influenced easily by different people.

The martyrdom of our brave soldiers had recently made him an ‘’Indian’’. He joined the march with a candle in a hand, and tricolour in another, his “Indian” identity was stronger than others at that moment.

Rewind few months, and he was seen on roads with a flag and light. It wasn’t a tricolor, but a saffron flag in one hand; and, not a candle, but a flambeau in another. His “Hindu” identity had eclipsed all others and called for his divine duty of protecting his religion.

Step back few more months, he joined his fellow identities in thrashing non-Maharashtrians out of the state. Left hand held a party flag, while right hand swung a stick (lathi). He was all but following his duty towards defending his third identity- that of being a “Marathi” this time.

A day further back in time, he was seen arguing on a public forum, openly voicing the injustice on his side of Maharashtra. His identity of belonging to the relatively upscale “Western Maharashtra” demanded a voracious outcry.  

Today he has joined another rally, he again holds a saffron flag in a hand, but this time he is not just a Hindu, but is wearing a more galvanized identity of a “Maratha”, and demanding justice from the present government led by a non-Maratha.

It was just yesterday that members of his family rejected a marriage proposal from a girl belonging to Maratha community. His identity of belonging the elite “96 Kuli” Maratha didn’t allow a relation with a lower rank “Kunbi” Maratha.

Well, his time to become an “Indian” is not far, its 15th August next week.

So, who is he? A person with fragile identities? A confused mortal blindly responding to every spark on main stream and social media? A capricious soul instigated by every social outcry? A permanent victim of social oppressions? A rebel by character and vigilante by action? A savior of every cause that upholds the doctrine he subscribes to? Or a prisoner of self-induced indecisiveness?

Well, very succinctly (and sadly), he is just an average Indian of today.

Disclaimer: Context is made generic to include traits observed from real incidents recorded from main stream and print media. Exceptions are present in varying forms and magnitudes; Objective here is not to demean the identity of “average” Indians, nor is it to demean any community in particular. This is just an attempt to surface our frailty in protecting our rationales against the clearly divisive political sabotage.

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