Thursday, January 14, 2010

A series of incidents...

Not sure if this is some sort of a nature's rule, but from what I have observed in past few days, the frequency of certain incidents happening around, suddenly increases. Sadly though, most of these incidents are negative.

These days almost daily we read about Indians being attacked in Australia and students commiting suicides across Maharashtra. Is it that such incidents didn't happen as much in the past? Or is the media more active in covering such reports these days??
Few days back we would also read reports of suicide bomb blasts in various Pakistani cities, almost everyday. Another negative incident on the fire.

The only positive series that I've observed is the series of good marathi movie being released these days :-) I sincerely envisage to see more such positive incidents happening in series, like:
  • A series where more govt babus are being punished against corruption
  • A series of more terrorists executed by Indian law
  • Sensex constantly on the rise (easier dreamt though :-))
  • A series of new scientific inventions

I believe one incident encourages the next one, next one further to a third one, and that begins a series.But in the brighter sense, if one negative incident fosters the next one, same should also be true with positive incidents.

Its a major responsibility with our media in such cases to cover and highlight more positive stories and spread more positiveness around.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I totally agree with you kaustya!

    I think there are both the reasons u mentioned.
    Media is getting/being proactive day by day and on the other hand, yes, the frequency of these incidents are increased drastically...
