Monday, January 11, 2010

Typical civic / traffic habits of Indians

Indian civic habits may very well suffice for a lengthy paperback. Although a small blog like this one will not cover the topic in its entirety, this is an attempt to highlight the major concerns faced by Indians, and most importantly- BECAUSE OF INDIANS.

These habits may more or less be similar in all major relatively uncivilized populace of undeveloped countries like India. My comments here come purely out of my experience in India and the US (and with contributions from television documentaries) and may not be a good read for pseudo-patriots.

Some strikingly noticeable civic rules formed by Indians (as these cannot officially form a part of any government rule book) at a high level:
  • Lack of civic sense
  • No responsibility towards the society one lives in
  • Self favour, no concerns for fellow beings

Now for the things better explained:

  • Unnecessary use of horns

  • Use of polluting / honking horns- no control over its frequency, decibels, etc.

  • Minimal / no use of indicators- I wonder why they use less necessary accessories more than the necessary ones, and vice-versa.

  • Parking 2 wheelers on side stand- this way 1 vehicle consumes the space equivalent to two, and utmost care is taken that the next one who tries to park his 2 wheeler faces trouble in doing so.

  • A horn when red signal turns green- assuming that all others are blind, or colour blind at least.

  • Vehicles over Zebra crossing- an attempt to save the smallest moment lost when signal turns green.

  • Spitting on roads- India is my country and I have every right to f**k it.

  • Stopping vehicle wherever one feels like- what is the road tax paid for??

  • No concern if it causes problem to others- who cares? We are in India…

  • No concern over clearing roads for ambulance, fire brigade, etc.- Again, who cares??

  • Cross a busy road wherever one likes to- we follow the "pedestrian first" rule anywhere and anytime.

  • Night driving on high beam (dipper)- Everyone curses the opposite driver, no one cares to switch to dimmer himself.

    Can’t blame the politicians for anything and everything that goes wrong in society, but who does the introspection? It’s really hard for Indians to grow up to the likes of their laterals in developed nations, in civic / traffic sense, coz that would call for a compromise, and more importantly- a CHANGE IN SELF, which is not something “Indian”.


  1. Oh WOW!!!

    This was some good read.
    You have pointed out exactly the points which irk me to no end.

    We really can't improve....civic sense just doesn't flow in our blood stream :(

  2. Too Good....
    Indian civic and traffic sense at its best,is properly described.
