Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Working from home..

Its rare that I work from home, coz. working from home is not well penetrated in Indian way of working yet, and I find it a burden to carry my laptop home everyday. Today I did, and this was a planned one. The planned palkhi (a religious procession once a year) route was right next to where my office is, road block notice released by Pune traffic control was to affect my way directly, thus- I had a reason to convince my manager. He allowed me to work from home today.

Although I sincerely worked for 8 hours, I happened to discover a few advantages I can derive by occasionally working from home:

  • Avoid the traffic chaos (this obviously is the major one...)
  • Avoid going through that pathetic Nagar Road and the depressing Kharadi- Mundhwa bypass (yuck...that area sucks. :(... )
  • I can be at ease, wearing my bermuda shorts at work
  • Spend more time playing with my baby niece
  • Have a complete meal at lunch (which only happens n weekends...)
  • Ocassionally watch television, work with music turned on and loud
  • Chat on Gtalk, without worrying if my manager watches out..
  • Spend more "official" time on Facebook
  • Maybe even have a short nap after lunch (although I've not tried yet, but seems a good option :)..)
  • Speak on my phone without rushing to search an empty meeting room
  • Be flexible with my time and actions, as no one is watching :)

This list can keep on updating, maybe my readers suggest a few more which I can implement next time I work from home. I only pray my manager doesn't read this post, I may have a tough time convincing him next time. :)


  1. At least that you'll agree is the advantage of having palkhis in Pune.

  2. Ohh and updating your blog is another advantage of working from home! ;)

  3. I seriously grudge you the option,buddy!!!
    In my case, there's no chance of working from home.
    Shucks :(

  4. Hi K,

    If I get a chnace to WFH which is not possible in cybage ( reasons you know), a chilled beer before the lunch would be my dream come true

  5. Chilled beer before sure you "working" from home????? :) That won't be an option for me though- beer during work, and more importantly- beer at home :)))

  6. The other day I recieved an SMS defining HOME as "A place where you can scratch exactly where it itches" .... not related to this blog directly ... but really working from home for me, the one who stays in Bengaluru, once known as Garden city and now renowned as Burden (traffic) city means saving 2 hours of travel time, not inhaling those pollutants and resting those ears from hearing the unnecessary honks....its all peace, serene and homely :-).

  7. - Ability to wear your comfy shorts/track pants rather than the inflexible formal attire
    - Stretch at leisure and possibly do ur work in a more comfortable posture :D :D :D
